The board has four subcommittees:

  • Advocacy
  • Alumni Weekend
  • Diversity and Outreach
  • Student and Alumni

Members of the Board are elected based on their demonstrated leadership and commitment to UCSF and the Alumni Association. We aim to engage a diverse group of alumni eager to commit their time and share their wisdom. 

Board of Directors 

Michelle Nakaishi, MSN ’06

Immediate Past President 
Brian Komoto, PharmD ’81

Members at Large 
Hibret Hailu Benjamin, DDS ’02
Kwame Denianke, MD ’01
Mark Diaz, MD ’79
Jennifer Frazier, PhD ’99 
Naomi Harada, MSN ’84
Yoona Kim, PharmD ’09
Jennifer Kinder, DPTSc ’10
Tianna Meriage-Reiter, MS ’06, DPT ’07
Mary Patton, MD ’83, Resident Alum, Clinical Fellow Alum 
Marilyn Stebbins, PharmD ’88
Iris Tam, PharmD ’91
Rita Yee, MSN ’83

University Alumni Relations
John R. McCoy, Executive Director 

Interested in joining the Board of Directors?
Apply today